Your guide to local food and culinary experiences in Trøndelag

In the middle of Norway you will find a region that is receiving something quite unique from nature. The soil here is dark and rich, and the ocean current coming from the Gulf of Mexico washing down the coast of Trøndelag yields a temperate and humid climate ideal for growing food. The green mountain plateaus of the interior offer cool and dry habitats for produce and wild and domesticated animals. Here, where the sun almost doesn’t set in summer, where the long and bright days give energy to the crops things just grow a little bit slower, giving the food a unique character. 

Through generations we’ve been hunters and gatherers and we’ve worked the land, all in efforts to learn what the earth and sea are willing to give back. Here we have possibly the best seafood in the world, with langoustine, crab, scallops, mussels and fish shipped to the far corners of the world for people to enjoy. In the Trøndelag region we are proud of our first-class pork, beef, lamb, chicken and game, as well as our Nordic vegetables and an abundance of colourful and juicy berries. You’ll be surprised at what is on offer here, from sea level and the outer islands to the high plains and mountains. 

In Trøndelag we are proud of our long-standing food traditions. We have created a food manifesto, where together we carry our food region into the future. We have over 200 producers of food and drink specialties, as well as large-scale food production facilities. 
Trøndelag is at the forefront in producing organic meats and dairy. Chefs and restaurants are proud of the local goods and use their craft to hone the dishes and present the best of Trøndelag flavours. Our travel and tourism bureaus lift the food of Trøndelag and offer you new and exceptional culinary experiences. 

Trøndelag is our food haven in the middle of Norway and now it’s your food haven too!

Trondheim Brewery Festival

A celebration of the art and craft of brewing of all kinds from the unique Trøndelag region. Trondheim August 1. - 3, 2024.

Visit Trondheim Brewery Festival

Trøndelag Food Festival

Celebrating local food from the region - Trondheim August 1.-3, 2024.

Visit Trøndelag Food Festival